We Make Technology Work For Your Business

We have all been there. We go to a networking event and gather a bunch of business cards with intentions to follow up but we never do. The cards just sit on your desk (I have personally seen them). We are happy to announce that with our virtual assistant program, we can connect you to those people easily. Here is how it works:

  1. Scan the cards in using your scanner and email them to a member of our virtual assistant staff.
  2. Let us know how you want to connect to them. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter? No problem.

We will log into your account on your behalf and send them a customized email asking them to connect. We can also add these people to a spreadsheet that you can easily import into your contacts. Why waste all that time going to networking events if you don’t follow up and LinkedIn and Facebook are a great way to stay in front of people.

Call us today to get started. Rates are $12 a hour.


Call us today for a no obligation discussion on how we can help you.

(215)  600 – 1771